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2013 - DFMP "Brésil" exhibition in Saint-Brieuc

Met with the great Shaman and Chief Kisibi during a visit to St Brieuc amid the annual exposition which has as themes The Amazon Forest of Brazil and The Indigenous Culture. The producer has turned a deaf ear to my request for help support the cause of the Cacique Raoni against the Belo Monte dam...  After registering I was selected by Ouest France newspaper to attend a conference with nine others persons.  Chief Kisibi understands my almost Portuguese which makes him trust me. I am invited to follow him to his table at the exhibitors' lunch.  Kisibi enters into confidences with me and tells that he has not been given even a penny to buy tobacco.  I leave him a pack at the moment of farewells. He thanks me for the sweater, it is cold for him here and nobody seems to care ...:(

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